Humble semi-technical blog of Pat Wangrungarun

Devise user confirmation testing in development

02 May 2013 in devise

I want to test Devise’s confirmable feature in local development, so I need a way to locally send & receive emails. Got this technique from this post. I’d like to paste it here.

SendGrid + Devise on Heroku

01 May 2013 in devise, heroku

Let’s say I have a subdomain and I want to configure SendGrid and Devise in Heroku, here are things to be done.

Heroku and Unicorn

29 April 2013 in heroku

Yeah that rainbow Unicorn. I want to blog this for a while but I was too lazy. I have been using Unicorn since I built my own VPS, AppWaker got the first shot. I also need concurrent connections on Teeview as well, so I came across some nice articles.

Handmade Timestamp Service in OSX

28 April 2013 in osx

When I need to test a form while developing, I was really bored and too lazy to think of some text to fill in any text input. Things like dasdsa or sajklhdas are too messy, and even though I have LittleIpsum installed it still takes too many clicks and mouse dragging. There must be a better way. I thought about using a timestamp.

Heroku and Travis

27 April 2013 in heroku, travis

The story was this, I would like to have a CI to get my code from GitHub, maybe run some test, and deploy it to Heroku. So I could commit to one place (master) and everything would be set up. Travis is very handy in this, but require some configurations.