Yeah that rainbow Unicorn. I want to blog this for a while but I was too lazy.
I have been using Unicorn since I built
my own VPS, AppWaker got the first shot.
I also need concurrent connections on Teeview
as well, so I came across some nice
articles .
Here is a sample of the Unicorn configuration:
worker_processes 3
timeout 600
preload_app true
before_fork do | server , worker |
# Replace with MongoDB or whatever
if defined? ( ActiveRecord :: Base )
ActiveRecord :: Base . connection . disconnect!
Rails . logger . info ( 'Disconnected from ActiveRecord' )
# If you are using Redis but not Resque, change this
if defined? ( Resque )
Resque . redis . quit
Rails . logger . info ( 'Disconnected from Redis' )
sleep 1
after_fork do | server , worker |
# Replace with MongoDB or whatever
if defined? ( ActiveRecord :: Base )
ActiveRecord :: Base . establish_connection
Rails . logger . info ( 'Connected to ActiveRecord' )
# If you are using Redis but not Resque, change this
if defined? ( Resque )
Resque . redis = ENV [ 'REDIS_URI' ]
Rails . logger . info ( 'Connected to Redis' )