Generate specs
Humble semi-technical blog of Pat Wangrungarun
Humble semi-technical blog of Pat Wangrungarun
Generate specs
Show rake tasks
Run tests
Kill all ruby processes
Include Url Helpers to Rails console
Opens a bundled gem in the editor
Check production state
Respond to formats
Generate views with Bootstrap
UTF-8 for seeds.rb
Rollback multiple migrations
Generate referenced model
Truncates all *.log files in log/ to zero bytes
Run rails in production using webrick
Migrate production database
Clone development db to test db
Setup deployment to a VPS
Local precompile assets
Source location
Helper in a console
Random Rspec stuffs
Clear all resque workers
Delete all ElasticSearch index
Basic ElasticSearch services
OSX Screencast to animated GIF
Open Characters
Copy the SSH key to your clipboard
Go2Shell configurations
[youtube-dl] list all available formats
[youtube-dl] download selected format video
Using ImageMagick to make sharp web-sized photographs
Find and delete
Find recursively and delete
Generate ssh key
Add ssh key
Delete all ssh keys
List saved ssh keys
Create a bootable USB of OSX Maverick
Fix image rotation
Resize and crop images
Specifying a version of Node.js or npm
Setting NODE_ENV on Heroku
Display information about current connection
List all tables
Use/connect to a database
SQL Dump
Restoring the dump
Describe table
List all databases
Generate new uncompressed data-only backup (Heroku dump -> mysql)
Start PostgreSQL installed from homebrew
Import dumped psql in local machine
Migrate database
Restoring the dump
List all backups
Create a publicly accessible URL for a backup
Database information
Open addons console
Heroku PG local/prod restoration
Reopen closed tabs
Using Package Control
Installing Package Control
Add an additional cursor at all occurrences
Rebase with interactive
Deleting remote branch
Remove both untracked and ignored files
Removing ignored files
Remove untracked files
Push to a different branch
Install firewall
Restart Nginx
Restart php-fpm
Vim Nginx default configuration
Place the public key on the virtual server
Restart machine
Restart PostgreSQL
Delete keys matching a pattern
Generate the Application Key
Generate a migration
Migrate database